Technology and Design

Why study Technology and Design?
Technology and Design looks at how technology products work in the home, in industry and in the environment.
This subject is ideal for pupils who enjoy creative thinking and problem solving, to research, design, and produce quality technological products.

The course involves six main areas of study:

Electronics – practical activities include modelling of control systems through the use of alpha kits and computer software. Pupils will also design and manufacture their own electronic control systems by soldering components onto PCBs.

Graphics – pupils will learn and develop new presentation techniques to communicate their design ideas and concepts through sketching and computer aided drawings.

Mechanisms – Pupils will use modelling kits to build mechanical systems using mechanical components such as gears and pulleys and learn how machines work in industry.

Computer control – Pupils will use computer programming software to write programs onto a PIC chip which can be used in a range of circuit boards in project work to control robots, buggies, traffic lights etc.

Pneumatics – using compressed air, pupils will simulate pneumatic systems such as bus doors, parcel sorting and safety guards on drills and pressing machines.

Materials and Manufacturing – Pupils will learn the use of basic hand tools to manufacture quality products using woods, metals and plastics.

How is the GCSE course assessed?

Written examination: 40%

Pupils must also submit the following coursework:

Two focused tasks (Year 11)
Computer Generated Drawing 5%
Product Evaluation 5%

Major Design Project (Year 12)
Design portfolio plus
Manufactured product 50%

Total GCSE coursework 60%

The major design project will require pupils to submit a 15 page A3 design portfolio of evidence including research, analysis, design ideas, development, technical drawings and a manufacturing plan with the result of the pupil assembling a technological product of a high quality.

What can I do with GCSE Technology and Design?

Pupils who study Technology can go on to study National Diplomas and NVQs’ in Engineering, Manufacturing, Construction, Furniture Design, Product Design, Computer Aided Design or a skilled trade apprenticeship as a mechanical, electrical or craft technician.

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